December 10, 1969 | Talk on the History and General Discussion of Evolution and Microbiological Genetics |
April 21, 1975 | Lecture Announcement: "Resistance Factors in Bacteria" |
April 21, 1975 | Lecture Notes: "Resistance Factors in Bacteria" |
September 16, 1975 | Lecture Announcement: "Plasmids in Enteric Bacteria" |
September 18, 1975 | Lecture Announcement: "E. coli and Salmonella Plasmids" |
January 15, 1976 | Lecture Announcement: "Pseudomonas Plasmids" |
November 5, 1977 | Preliminary Notes for "Bacteria Fight Back" |
November 5, 1977 | Lecture Notes for "Bacteria Fight Back" |
May 5, 1978 | Plasmid Talk at UC-Davis |
October 19, 1995 | Announcement of Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg Lecture at UC-Berkeley |
Unknown | "The Day of the Plasmids?" |
Various |
Miscellaneous slides
Miscellaneous Notes: page 1 Miscellaneous Notes: page 2 |