Delbrück, Max Ludwig Henning

1943: Luria and Delbrück initiate the field of bacterial genetics when they demonstrate that bacteria undergo mutation.
1946: Delbrück, Bailey, and Hershey find genetic recombination in phages.
1953: Delbrück and Visconti hypothesize an explanation of genetic recombination in phages.
1969: Delbrück, Luria, and Hershey awarded a Nobel Prize for work with viral genetics.

Esther Lederberg correction: "Phage and the Origins of Molecular Biology", Cairns, J., Stent, G. S., Watson, J. D. (Editors), p. 148
Esther points out that although Max Delbrück advised J. Watson to study X-ray diffraction of DNA at the Cavendish Laboratory, in fact, J. Watson went to Kalchar, Copenhagen.

  1. ?; Delbrück, Max.: circa 1957
  2. Delbrück, Max.
  3. Delbrück, Max.: 1961