Rotman, Boris

1949: B. Rotman and A. D. Hershey demonstrate genetic recombination in phages.
December 1956: Boris Rotman, "ON THE MECHANISM OF SONIC LYSIS OF BACTERIA", J. Bacteriol. 72(6):827-830
1961: "Transport of galactose from the inside to the outside of Escherichia coli", Rotman, B., Guzman, R., Pathol. Biol. 9:806-810
1961: "Measurement of activity of single molecules of β-D-galactosidase", Rotman, B., P.N.A.S. 47:1981-1991
1961: "Biosynthesis of β-D-galactosidase", Revel, H. R., Luria, S. E., Rotman, B., P.N.A.S. 47:1956-1957
1963: "β-D-galactosidase synthesis and integration of the z+ gene transferred by F-duction in Escherichia coli K-12", Cook, A., Rotman, B., Bacteriol. Proc., 107

  1. Streisinger; George; Rotman, Boris; de Mars, Robert I.
  2. Luxoro, Mario; Kaplan, Louis; Rotman, Boris: 1953
  3. Rotman, Boris (on the right)
  4. Rotman, Boris; Razell, Bill; Korman, Ruth: May, 1970