Tatum, Edward Lawrie; Tatum, Peggy
1941: Beadle and Tatum publish Neurospora
and state the one gene-one enzyme theory
1944: Tatum, Bonner and Beadle use mutant strains
of Neurospora crassa to determine the
intermediate steps in the synthesis of tryptophan.
1946: Tatum and J. Lederberg find genetic recombination in bacteria.
1958: Nobel Prize awarded to Beadle, Tatum and J. Lederberg.
Tatum, Edward Lawrie
Tatum, Viola; Tatum, Edward Lawrie; Tatum Children: 1953
Flynn; Wittner David; Walker, J.; Lederberg, J; Galston; Bloch;
Beam, Carl A.; Lederberg, Esther M. Zimmer; Roti; Gabalman;
June; Tatum, Edward Lawrie
Neumeyer; Atkinson, Nancy; Meias; Golsten, Dale;
Tatum, Peggy; Beam, Carl A.; Alba, Laura G.;
van Niel, Cornelis B.; Lederberg, Esther M. Zimmer; Roti; ?
Tatum, Ed. L.: May, 1970
Ganesan, Ann; Tatum, E. L.; Lederberg, Esther M.