Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg

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Grotto of the Animals, Villa Medici, Castello
Grotto of the Animals, Villa Medici, Castello

Plants, especially vine-like plants and flowering plants such as roses, wisteria, etc. may be "trained" to assume order as specific shapes. This is different than topiary in which plants are trimmed to assume a shape such as a vase, animal, pyramid, etc. Plants trained to assume a shape are espaliered.

Espaliered plants can be made to grow along "avenues" in gardens, especially avenues of straight lines or circles. These espaliered avenues may be where dances take place.

Renaissance gardens often had "pergolas" (or paths with plant-bowers trained to grow on a trellis as espaliered plants).

Espalier #1
Espalier #2
Espalier #3


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