Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Moulding and Ornamentation

Under the influence of Longinus's rhetoric, shadows and the play of light became increasingly emphasized. The interiors of rooms, not only the exteriors of buildings were also subject to shadows and light. Moulding and other forms of architectural ornamentation of different kinds created shadows, and these mouldings could also be combined, and be found on the outsides of buildings, as well as within different rooms.


  1. Aaron's Rod Molding
  2. Astragal Molding
  3. Beak Molding
  4. Boldtel Molding
  5. Brace Molding
  6. Cable Molding
  7. Cavetto Molding
  8. Congee Molding
  9. Cyma Molding
  10. Fillet Molding
  11. Gadroon Molding
  12. Ogee Molding
  13. Ovulo Molding
  14. Three-quarter Molding
  15. Thumb Molding

Compound Moldings

  1. Compound or Combined Moldings

Other Ornaments

  1. Arris, Bullnose
  2. Bead Ornament
  3. Billet Ornament
  4. Cove Ornament
  5. Splay Ornament
Under the influence of Longinus's rhetoric, shadows and the play of light became increasingly emphasized. The interiors of rooms, not only the exteriors of buildings were also subject to shadows and light. Moulding of different kinds created shadows, and these mouldings could also be combined, and be different in different rooms.


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