Parks and Botanical Gardens

  1. Fradkin, Cheng-Mei (Stanford cactus garden): 1961
  2. Lederberg, E. M. (Point Reyes): September 10, 1961
  3. Lederberg, E. M. (Point Reyes): September 10, 1961
  4. Lederberg, E. M. (Point Lobos): 1950
  5. Lederberg, E. M. (Lassen): 1950
  6. Puck picnic (Genessee Mountain): 1953
  7. Wyalusing State Park, Wisconsin: 1955
  8. Wyalusing State Park, Wisconsin: 1955
  9. Wyalusing State Park, Wisconsin: 1955
  10. Wyalusing State Park, Wisconsin: 1955
  11. Wyalusing State Park, Wisconsin: 1955
  12. Osborn Botanical Lab, Yale University (rear view): 1951
  13. Lederberg, E. M. (Mendocino pygmy forest): September 14, 1961
  14. Hirota, Y.; Lederberg, E. M. (Madison Arboretum): February, 1958
  15. Lederberg, E. M. (Yellowstone): 1953
  16. Boojum: 1962
  17. Lederberg, E. M. (Butterfly Park): 1956
  18. Midge at Butterfly Trees (Pacific Grove): 1961
  19. Lederberg, J.; Lederberg, E. M.; Cavalli-Sforza, L. L.
         Penninsula State Park, Door County, WI.: 1958
  20. Lederberg, E. M.; Lederberg, J. (Kegon waterfalls, Nikko): 1962
  21. Lederberg, E. M.
         Limber Pine at Timberline, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes, Co.
  22. Klein, G.; Klein, E. (Skansen museum and zoo, Stockholm, Sweden): 1958
  23. Lederberg, E. M.; Luria, S. (Kew): 1957
  24. Lederberg, E. M. (Kew Royal Botanical Garden, London, England): 1957
  25. The "Burn" (a "wee" brook): 1957
  26. Copenhagen Orchido
  27. Melbourne Botanical Garden
  28. Lederberg, E. M. (Cadillac Mountain, Bar Harbor, Me): 1952
  29. Cadillac Mountain, Bar Harbor, Me: 1952
  30. Gaspe Penninsula, Nova Scotia: 1952
  31. Nova Scotia (from NewBrunswick): 1952
  32. Lederberg, E. M. (Monte Alban): 1962
  33. Lederberg, E. M. (Monte Alban): 1962
  34. Luria, S.; Cavalli-Sforza, L. L.; Brenner, S.;
         Hotel Britanique to Acquario, Napoli: May 14, 1959
  35. Lederberg, E. M.; Cavalli-Sforza, L. L.: 1959
  36. Campa dei Flegni solfarotto (near Naples, Italy)
  37. Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. rising from the steaming earth: May 16, 1959
  38. Taliesin (Frank Lloyd Wright)

    Frank Lloyd Wright's daring and revolutionary architecture was well-known to be designed to fit in with its environment: a principle he often emphasized and took credit for. One might wonder, then, how the Arabian motifs of the Wright-designed Marin County (California) Civic Center arose from its setting near San Francisco Bay? Did Wright really think that California was attached to the Arabian Peninsula? When Esther visited Taleisin, due to her renown, she was given the rare opportunity of visiting Frank Lloyd Wright's workshop area. Esther was interested in a building that Wright had been commissioned to provide for a client in Saudi Arabia. Later, when Wright's contract with the Saudis was cancelled, this same design suddenly appeared in the California environment. Thus, while environment maintained a high priority for Wright, his love of his own designs was apparently of higher priority than environmental considerations. Esther's photo slides include multiple photos taken at Taleisin.

  39. Lederberg, E. M.; Rubbo, S. (Taliesin Windmill)
  40. Lederberg, E. M.; Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (Taliesin): 1958
  41. Lederberg, E. M. (Taliesin): 1958