Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Bireme Galley

The music is Morisco music, found on Iberian Garden, Vol. 1 by Altramar. The piece is Muwashshah: Mā li-l-muwallah, 1113-1198.

This music takes place at the beautiful gardens along the Guadalquiver, near Cordoba. This is during the "convivencia" under Alfonso X (El Sabio - The Wise), the time before Granda fell: when Christians, Moslems and Jews lived at peace with each other. Muwashshah are songs in poetic form, with instrumental interludes in the form of Ibn Bājja (Avempace): 1470-1520. This is Morisco art.

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Bireme galleys

There were different numbers of galley rowers. Biremes had two banks of rowers at two levels, triremes had three banks of rowers at three levels, etc. Note: "reme" means oar.


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