Hollaender, A. and Zimmer, E. M., January 1945 (September, 1944), "The effect of ultraviolet radiation and
X-rays on mutation production in Penicilllium notatum", Genetics Society of America 30(1):8
Hollaender, A., Sansome E. R., Zimmer, E., Demerec, M., April 1945,
"Quantitative Irradiation Experiments with Neurospora crassa.
II. Ultraviolet Irradiation", American Journal of Botany 32(4):226-235
A STRICT ANAEROBE", (unpublished paper)
Zimmer, E. M., Aug. 1946, "MUTANT STRAINS OF
MA Thesis, Stanford University
Giles, N. H. Jr., Lederberg, E. Z., March, 1948,
"Induced reversions of biochemical mutants in
Neurospora crassa", American Journal of
Botany 35(3):150-157
Lederberg, E. M., November 1948, "The mutability of
several lac– mutants of
Escherichia coli", Genetics 33(6):617
Lederberg, E. Z., 1950, "GENETIC CONTROL OF
Doctoral Thesis, University of Wisconsin
Lederberg, E. M., 1951, "Lysogenicity in E. coli K-12",
Genetics 36:560 (abstract)
Also: Genetics, 30:19-20
Abstract submitted to the September 12-14, 1944 Meeting of the Genetics Society of America
Click to see relevant reference
Also: "Quantitative effects of radiation on mutation production in
Neurospora crassa", Records of the Genetics Society of
America, Number Thirteen, 1944
See an incomplete relevant historical account in:
Perspectives: Anecdotal, Historical and Critical
Commentaries on Genetics, Edited by James F. Crow
and William F. Dove, "50 Years Ago: The Neurospora
Revolution", by Norman H. Horowitz, Genetics 127, April 1991,
631-635. It is pointed out that papers in the early 1940s
about Neurospora crassa were of immediate importance
in leading to modern bacterial genetics.
Click to see relevant reference
Click to see relevant reference
Abstract: 1948, Genetics Society of America 17:45-46
Lederberg, E. M., 1950, "Lysogenicity in Escherichia coli
strain K-12", Microbial Genetics Bulletin, 1, pp. 5-9, Jan. 1950,
U. Wisconsin [Evelyn Maisel Witkin, Ed.],
Ohio State University,
ISSN: 0026-2579, call No. 33-M-4, OCLC: 04079516,
Accession Number: AEH8282UW
Note: The abstract in 'Genetics' is totally different from the
'Microbial Genetics Bulletin' publication, which has a far more
detailed discussion of λ lysogenicity.
Click to see references
Lederberg, J., Lederberg, E. M., Zinder, N. D., Lively, E. R., 1951, "Recombination analysis of bacterial heredity", Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 16:413-443
Lederberg, J., Lederberg, E. M., March 1952, "Replica plating and indirect selection of bacterial mutants", J. Bacteriol. 63(3):399-406 Click to see prepublication abstract and relevant information
Lederberg, E. M., Sept. 1952, "Allelic relationships and reverse mutation in Escherichia coli", Genetics 37(5):469-483
Lederberg, J., Cavalli, L. L., and Lederberg, E. M., Nov. 1952, "Sex compatibility in Escherichia coli", Genetics 37(6):720-730
Lederberg, E. M., Lederberg, J., Jan. 1953, "Genetic studies of lysogenicity in Escherichia coli", Genetics 38(1):51-64
Cavalli, L. L., Lederberg, J., Lederberg, E. M., Feb. 1953, "An Infective Factor Controlling Sex Compatibility in Bacterium coli", J. Gen. Microbiol. 8(1):89-103
Lederberg, J., Lederberg, E. M., Dec. 1, 1953, "Untitled Report on Recent
Studies of Recombination in Escherichia coli", 35 pages.
Lederberg, E., 1954, "The inheritance of lysogenicity in interstrain crosses of Escherichia coli", Genetics, 39:282-302, 39:978 (abstract)
Lederberg, E. M., 1955, "Pleiotropy for maltose fermentation and phage
resistance in Escherichia coli K-12", Genetics 37:469-483
Abstract: 1955, 40:581-582
Lederberg, J., Lederberg, E. M., 1956, "Infection and Heredity", in Cellular Mechanisms in Differentiation and Growth (Dorthy Rudnick, Ed.), 14th Symp. Soc. Growth and Dev. (Princeton University Press), pp. 101-124
Morse, M. L., Lederberg, E. M., Lederberg, J., 1956, "Transduction in Escherichia coli K-12", Genetics 41:142-156
Morse, M. L., Lederberg, E. M., Lederberg, J., Sept. 1956, "Transductional heterogenotes in Escherichia coli", Genetics 41(5):758-779
Lederberg, J., Holloway, B. W., Lederberg, E. M., Burnet, F. M., Fenner, F., Best, R. J., 1957, "Symposium on Bacterial and Viral Genetics (Canberra, August 1957)", Australian J. Sci. 20:71-76
Lederberg, E., 1958, "Fine structure of Gal loci in Escherichia coli K-12", Tenth International Congress of Genetics, Montreal
Lederberg, E. M., 1960, "Genetic and functional aspects of galactose metabolism in Escherichia coli K-12", Symp. Soc. Gen. Microbiol. X, Microbial Genetics, Great Britain, pp. 115-131
Mäkelä, P. H., Lederberg, J., Lederberg, E. M., Oct. 1962, "Patterns of sexual recombination in enteric bacteria", Genetics 47(10):1427-1439
Lederberg, Esther M. (as responsible experimenter, in collaboration
with other members of the Genetics Department and the Instrumentation
Laboratory at Stanford University), May 6, 1963, "The Exploitation of
the Bacillus Subtilis Transforming System in a Bio-Satellite Experiment".
This is not a published paper, but is an interesting proposal for exobiology
Click here to see copy of proposal.
Click here to learn why references to this proposal are difficult to find
Lederberg, E. M., Cavalli-Sforza, L. L., Lederberg, J., April 1964, "Interaction of streptomycin and a suppressor for galactose fermentation in E. coli K-12", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S., 51:678-682
Westley, J. W., Anderson, P. J., Close, V. A., Halpern, B., Lederberg, E. M., July 1967, "Aminopeptidase profiles of various bacteria", Applied Microbiol. 15(4):822-825
Lederberg, E. M., Stocker, B. A. D., 1970, "Phase variation in rec– mutants of Salmonella typhimurium", Bacteriol. Proc. p. 35 (abstract)
Lederberg, E. M., Aug. 1970, "Transfer of F' lac to rec– mutants of Salmonella typhimurium", Int. Cong. Microbiol. X, p. 60
Lederberg, E. M., Brothers, L. L., Cohen, S. M., 1973, "Molecular properties
of an F – lac+-tetracycline-resistance plasmid,
in E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium, XIII Int. Cong. Genet.
This paper may also be listed under "Molecular properties of an F' lac-tetracycline-resistance plasmid in E. coli and
Salmonella typhimurium".
Lederberg, E. M., Cohen, S. N., Sept. 1974, "Transformation of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 by plasmid deoxyribose nucleic acid", J. Bacteriol. 119(3):1072-1074
Garfield, E., Lederberg, E. M., 1976, "Plasmids: Medical and Theoretical Aspects",
"Is the Current System of Scientific Communication Adequate to the Age of
Plasmid Engineering?"
Third International Symposium on ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE, Castle of Smolenice,
Lederberg, E., 1976, "The Plasmid Reference Center", ASM News, 42, 705.
Click to see relevant reference
Lederberg, E., 1976, "The Plasmid Reference Center", Proc. Soc. Gen. Microbiol.,4 (Part I), iv.
Campbell, A., Berg, D. E., Botstein, D., Lederberg, E. M., Novick, R. P.,
Starlinger, P., Szybalski, W.,
"Nomenclature of transposable elements in prokaryotes",
"DNA Insertion Elements, Plasmids, and Episomes"
1977, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, New York, 15 - 22
1979, Gene, 5, 197 - 206 1
Initially there was no accepted nomenclature for plasmids. Thus, various
names were used, such as the following [plasmid, strain]:
As an increasing number of plasmids were discovered and used in research,
the need for a systematic nomenclature was recognized and a committee
designated to deal with this problem. The Plasmid Reference Center (PRC),
with Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg as Director, took on this responsibility
at Stanford University. The nomenclature expanded to include not only
plasmids, but insertion sequences and transposon numbers. Directors
at other centers were either doing the same thing as the PRC or had collections
requiring similar attention; among them:
Lederberg, E., 1977, "The Plasmid Reference Center", Plasmid, 1, 123.
Lederberg, E., 1978, "Preliminary and partial list of plasmid prefixes", Plasmid, 1, 2, 270-271.
Lederberg, E., 1978, "The P", Microbial Genetics Bulletin, 44, 31-37
Campbell, A., Berg, D. E., Botstein, D., Lederberg, E. M., Novick, R. P., Starlinger, P., Szybalski, W., March 1979, "Nomenclature of transposable elements in prokaryotes", Gene 5(3): 197-206
Campbell, A., Starlinger, P., Berg, D. E., Botstein, D., Lederberg, E. M., Novick, R. P., Szybalski, W., July 1979, "Nomenclature of transposable elements in prokaryotes", Plasmid 2(3):466-473
Lederberg, E. M., 1979, "Strategies of the Plasmid Reference Center", (Abstract) in the book Progress in Medicine: Plasmids, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Lederberg, E., 1980, "Genetic culture collections. The Plasmid Reference Center (PRC)", Microbial Genetics Bulletin, 48, 104-105.
Lederberg, E. M., 1981, "The Plasmid Reference Center (PRC)",
and ECOLOGY OF BACTERIAL PLASMIDS, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic,
January 5-9, 1981, p-45
"Molecular Biology, Pathogenicity, and Ecology of Bacterial Plasmids",
Levy, S. B.; Clowes, R. C.; Koenig, E. L. (Eds.), Plenum Press,
New York, 1981, p. 625
Click to see relevant reference
Lederberg, E. M., 1981, "Plasmid Reference Center Registry of Transposon (Tn) Allocations Through July 1981", Gene 16(1-3):59-61
Lederberg, E., 1982, "Errata", Gene, 18, 366
Lederberg, Esther M., June 1983, "Research Service: Plasmid Reference Center", Research Resources Reporter, VII, 6, 13 - 14
Lederberg, Esther M., Oct. 14, 1985, "Interview with Esther M. Lederberg", "Interviews with Nobel Lureates and other Eminent scholars", The Bhaktivedanta Institute, 49 - 56
Lederberg, E. M., Jan. 1986, "Plasmid Prefix Designations Registered by the Plasmid Reference Center: 1977-1985", Plasmid 15(1):57-92
Lederberg, E. M., 1987, "Plasmid Reference Center Registry of Transposon (Tn) and Insertion Sequence (Is) Allocations Through December 1986", Gene 51(2-3):115-118
The importance of temperate phage lambda and lysogenicity, transduction by phage
lambda, and co-development of replica plating has been noted in "A Dictionary
of Genetics", by Robert C. King and William D. Stansfield, Oxford University
Press, 14th Edition, 1990.
The "DNAtrium" exhibit at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
in the lobby of the Eli and Edythe L. Broad Institute, a part of their
exhibit on key discoveries in genetics and genomics over the eighteenth
through twenty-first centuries, honors Esther Lederberg for the discovery
of Lambda phage. See
http://www.esthermlederberg.com/Broad Institute MIT.html
Dr. Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg worked with A. Hollaender at the NIH, moving to Yale after getting an M.A. at Stanford University (acknowledging the guidance of G. W. Beadle and E. L. Tatum). During summers, she worked on radiation-induced reverse mutation in at Cold Spring Harbor with A. Hollaender and M. Demerec. At the Osborn Botanical Laboratory at Yale, she did further research on radiation-induced reverse mutation in Neurospora with N. Giles. Her thesis advisor for her Ph.D. was the chairman of the Genetics Department, R. A. Brink. (See "The Emergence of Bacterial Genetics", by T. Brock, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1990, p. 88).
Of course, Esther's name may appear in languages using DIFFERENT character sets, such as Russian (Cyrillic), Hebrew, Chinese, etc. Some examples follow:
Russian (Cyrillic)
![]() |
The proper use of names is significant, because a database search using
an incorrect name might result in not finding papers written by
a particular author. Examples of this exist on the National Library of
Medicine web site created for Joshua Lederberg (where Esther, who
began publishing under her married name immediately after her December,
1946 marriage to Joshua Lederberg, is referred to as "Esther Zimmer"; see
(where most of the papers listed on this page are omitted), and on the
web site for Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, whose listing of Esther's
papers is incomplete (10 of 46 papers, or 22%), and does not include two
papers published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories (references #9 and #33,
above), and five papers written under Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg's maiden
name ("Esther M. Zimmer"), including those co-authored with M. Demerec, A.
Hollaender, and N. H. Giles, Jr.
Click to verify (CSHL, Nov. 8, 2009)
Is this a simple omission? One might check the CSHL obituary notice
for Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg to determine if errors are systematically
made. The search will find no obituary notice at all. When Cold Spring
Harbor Labs was contacted and asked why, the response was that the issue
was "political". Gender discrimination, or just the "Old Boy Network"?
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