Esther supported good causes such as the music program at Stanford, research at Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station, Monterey Bay Aquarium (charter member), organizations to support the mentally retarded (CAR), Easter Seals, Jewish organizations such as Stanford Hillel, etc. In addition, Esther studied Medieval dance, taught by Professor Houle at Stanford, to gain a better understanding of Early Music. Esther was also friendly with another head of the Music Department, Leonard Ratner ("Classic Music: Expression, Form and Style", by Leonard G. Ratner), and his artist wife Inge.
George Houle's first wife, Constance Crawford,
wrote "The Muse of Menus: Stories from Life and
Cooking" (John Daniel and Company, Santa Barbara,
CA, 1988), which includes recipes and anecdotes
such as "George Houle and la Soupe à
l'Oignon" and "Alysoun Ford's Garden Salad".
(Included among the book's vignettes is a
description of Houle's experiences as a student
assistant to Sandor Salgo; see page 49.)
While she was a research professor at Stanford,
Esther met Constance Crawford and Alysoun Ford
(Newell Ford's first wife); one common factor
between them was that they were all divorced from
their Stanford professor husbands during the
period 1966-1967. Esther also knew Newell Ford's
second wife, Mary Ellen.
For information about Newell Ford, see:
For further information about Constance Crawford, see:
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